How should you handle a dental emergency amid a global pandemic like COVID-19? Find some advice here.
Do you have a dental emergency during COVID-19?
While so much of our lives have been changes, at least one thing remains constant for patients and dentists: dental emergencies.
But how do you handle dental emergencies safely while respecting social distancing guidelines? Here, we'll share a few tips.
Define your emergency
The first thing to do is determine if you have a dental emergency that needs a dentist's attention. If you experience any of the following, call your dentist.
- Toothache you aren't able to remedy yourself with pain medication
- Severe swelling on your face, neck or mouth
- Chipped, broken or knocked-out tooth
- Lost crowns or fillings
- Ulcers in your mouth
- Sore or bleeding gums
- Sensitive teeth
- Severe teething symptoms
New Rules & Regulations Under COVID-19
If you visit a dentist during a dental emergency, you'll probably notice it looks a bit different. The extra protocols are meant to keep you and our dentists safe.
How should I handle a dental emergency during COVID-19?
By now, we're familiar with social distancing and safety rules. But, how does that apply to your dentist's office? Here are a few actions to take.
Contact your dentist early. Don't hesitate to call if you're experiencing a dental emergency. They can provide advice over the phone and get you in quickly.
Apply ice. Hold an ice pack or cold compress to the affected area.
Locate the lost tooth. If you've lost a tooth, try to find it and rinse it with water. Hold it in the socket it fell from or put it in a glass of milk. Your dentist may be able to reattach it.
Answer screening questions. When contacting your dentist, they will ask you screening questions to make sure you don't have COVID-91. If you may, they can make alternative arrangements.
Wear a face mask and use hand sanitizer. Make sure you wear a mask and use 70 to 90 percent alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Respect social distancing guidelines. You will have your appointment as soon as possible. If you must stay in the waiting room, chairs will be spaced 2 meters apart.
Dentists will wear protective gear. On top of surgical face masks, your dentists and staff will wear protective equipment.
Attend your appointment alone. Plan to attend your appointment alone (excepting children or caretakers).
Pay via touchless payment. Plan to pay any balance you owe with a credit or debit card.
Do you have questions about how dental emergencies during COVID-19?
A dentist will be able to walk you through the steps you should take and address your emergency.