What is the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP)?
The Government of Canada is introducing the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP), as part of its objective to make dental care more accessible for families who qualify.
Dental Coverage. Discover the ins and outs of dental insurance and public benefits in Canada. We’ll guide you through the various coverage options, from private insurance plans to government programs, explaining how you can make the most of them to support your dental health.
The Government of Canada is introducing the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP), as part of its objective to make dental care more accessible for families who qualify.
Ontario Works is a social assistance program that provides financial support to families in need in Ontario. It also offers certain health benefits, including dental coverage.
Healthy Smiles Ontario (HSO) is a government-funded dental program that provides free preventive, routine, and emergency dental services for eligible children and youth in Ontario.
The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) is designed to allow eligible Canadian residents to access dental care affordably. Services covered include preventive treatments such as dental checkups, routine dental hygiene appointments and dental X-rays. A range of restorative procedures are also covered and include dental fillings, certain types of dental crowns and root canals, as well as dentures.
Coordination of benefits is an extended health, drug, and dental insurance term that refers to a situation when someone has dual coverage with two or more group plans. When this situation arises, coordination of benefits refers to the process in which the insurance company determines which plan or coverage will pay first toward the insurance claim. The secondary plan(s) may then provide additional coverage.
Learn all about the various public benefits that can support residents of Canada — including seniors, children/youth, refugees, low-income people and families, students, Indigenous Peoples, and veterans, — in accessing subsidized dental care.
Oral health is clearly a priority for most Canadians, with an impressive three-quarters of the population maintaining a consistent cadence of dental visits throughout the year. However, as with most healthcare, costs can add up. Here’s where dental insurance comes into the picture, reducing the financial burden for patients and supporting access to care.
Dental care is critical to overall physical health. But some of us don't have dental insurance to pay for routine exams, cleanings, procedures and emergencies. If this is the case, we're here to provide some advice about what to do.
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