Dr. Chris Souliotis has been a Dentist practicing in Victoria since 1992. For 24 years, he was a major part of one of the busiest group practices in Victoria. In the summer of 2014, Dr. Souliotis opened Smile Esthetics in Uptown to focus on his best esthetic work in a more private environment. Since a young boy he has been a natural engineer, customizing and improving everything around him. Dr. Souliotis' focus is changing his patient's smiles and giving them a functional bite. Over the last eight years he has found that Invisalign is the least invasive dental procedure that delivers most beneficial changes. The power of Invisalign has changed his practice, his philosopy and how he will treat the majority of patients. Invisalign is a safe procedure for bite and alignment correction. In order for teeth to last a lifetime they must be aligned to minimize traumatic biting forces which cause cracking and eventually breakage. He is very results driven and has never come across a person whose teeth he cannot fix with his Invisalign treatment. He takes pride in his work and is always willing to take on challenging cases.