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Dr. Michael Browning, DDS

Dr. Michael Browning, DDS

General Dentist

River Oaks Dental

(905) 842-4406

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Primary Location

River Oaks Dental


2169 Sixth Line Unit #1, Oakville, ON L6H 3N7, Canada

(905) 842-4406


Dr. Browning has been practicing dentistry for 33 years. He has been practicing at Rivers Oaks Dental since 1999. Prior to practicing at River Oaks Dental, Dr. Browning practiced dentistry in both Richmond Hill and Rexdale. He and his wife have lived in Oakville for 29 years and have one son who recently graduated with a degree in engineering. In his spare time, Michael enjoys spending time growing monster tomatoes and enjoys (but does not necessarily excel at) both golf and fishing.

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